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Friday, May 21, 2010

Our world with oil_#6

Community depends on oil and some will not be able to live without it. In my community a market place closed but I think it was due to purchase decrease. Many people in my neighborhood have lost their jobs including people in my own family.
Actions I guess none, I take the bus to an internship but they are always working. I get to school in a car and I usually travel in car or bus. I think I am really dependent on oil and this will affect me if a situation with oil happens.
Elasticity plays a role in this economic crisis because many people depend on oil to live like first of all food, people need to eat. Transportation is also important because people need to get to places and since cars and buses need oil to move they will have difficulty traveling. I read computers also have oil and makeup does too. Technology is now commonly used now a days and so is make-up. I think people can’t survive without oil.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Taking action into our hands_#8

The oil crisis dramatically affected many things. Changes needed to be made to our daily routines. We need to find ways to recycle and depend on different things besides oil. The community can ride bikes to work, school or other places when a car or a bus is not really needed.

Individuals can stop using plastic bags when they go to a grocery store and start using reusable bags for groceries. People can also decompose. As soon as someone steps out of their house/department or when they go to sleep they can unplug all unecessary utilities like electronics, lights, computers or anything that has electricity but wont be needed at all so this way more power/oil can be saved. We can motivate others by demonstrating how simple it can be and what positive things it can bring.

I think it will take time so I can get used to these changes.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A touch of Blue_#7

Marine life is now dramatically affected. This will affect me because an important environment like the sea is being polluted with oil. It may become from blue to gray/black, it is an important source to our world. This oil spill is killing animals and affecting plankton. Many animals will soon get sick. If animals get sick they will be consumed at a seafood restaurant or sold at a market=people will consume it and eat it and then they will also get sick. Plankton is an important source to the sea animals because they eat it and this will also be another way to get sick with lung or liver damage. There is also an economic effect because without seafood many restaurants will now close due to food shortage. Many people will get unemployed and there will be less customer purchase.


Friday, April 30, 2010


The activity that we work on today was surprising and odd because I never took time to actually read about grocieries and where they came from. Like bananas, they come from Guatemla! weird but true. In my community that nearest market to my house and where my mother commonly buys would be Family Farms Market. They offer all like vegetables, meat and seafood, can food, fruit [dried], spices etc.

Locavores is really important because you help the environment, you keep your family strong and healthy. By visiting a local market you save and help at the same time. When you shop near your house you save money for transpotation, lets say gasoline either for your car or the bus. You can help/support the store by purchasing your supplies there and avoiding the store to close up.

Frankenfood I believe is genetically engeneered food. Like cows produce more milk when they put hormones into them as well as chickens and turkeys. Plants are genetically altered like broccoli, tomatos, lettuce and all food that is grown out of the ground.

Organic vs. Non-Organic

Organic is richer in vitamins, minerals and nutrients and they are less harmful to the environment. Non-Organics food has heavy use of antibiotics and growth hormones and are used primarely to make animals grow faster, bigger and disease free. They are now more available in supermarkets. Farmer's market, smaller organic health food stores and community supported agriculture are more reliable outlets for organic produce.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Services are broken down_#4

As a volcano leaves ashes in the air, it interrupts an important service. Uk and several european conutries have been affected and so has their airlines. At the airport, many employers are not at work due to this situation and so you can also see in the video that the waiting rooms are also empty. Flights have been postponed and people now have to wait until all air is cleared.
Traveling is important maybe for businesses, vacations, family visits and also because it has many people employed. Airplane companies are out of business. They just have to wait and see.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Demand: It is the amount of goods or services that people can afford and that they really like but it is only good in specific times.

Supply: It is the amount that the producers choose to sell it to consumers at various prices. The various prices need to be good so consumers would want to buy but the owners would also need to get profit off it.
During this quiz, I was unfamiliar because i didn't even know not even half of the answers. I was answering randomly. What I found interesting was a question where it asked something about countries, there were more than 6 and that they had something with oil. The question seemed interesting, on how oil I guess is commonly used everywhere but some countries may sell it, have more, or they transport them farther.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of oil_#2

Today I watched a news report about petroleum and I learned that oil is used for many things, daily. Oil can be found in many products mostly found at home. Most oil is used for car transportation or heating our homes. What i found most surprising is to find out that Petroleum is also found in food! But is mostly canned food. We wash clothes with petroleum! Because we use detergent. We drink/take petroleum i guess, because it is also found in medicine it is made out of petrochemicals. Girls who wear make-up like me are actually putting oil in their faces and this make-up is made up of petrochemicals too.